If your family is like mine, winter comes and I am suddenly stuck with a pile of gloves, hats, and scarves that don’t really have a home during the winter months.
I’ve tried baskets and any other number of ways to collect them. The problem is, the clothes usually come into the house wet so they need a place to dry out. Throwing all the wet gear into a basket isn’t a good idea!
So, how do you find an out of the way place to dry your winter gear but also to organize it so it’s handy when dashing out the door?
Grab a curtain rod and some curtain rings with clips!
You can mount a curtain rod on the wall in a mud room, on the inside door of your coat closet, or on the back of your front or back door.
These curtain rod clips can be found at places like Ikea or any other big box store. Remember, this is for wet winter clothing so bigger and stronger is always better.

Scarves can slide right through the rings and don’t need clips.

How do you organize your winter gear? Share your ideas with us!