You want to be healthier. You want to do more around the house. You want to save money.
Most of us are right there with you.
You want to eat better but you still like delicious foods. Stuff needs done around the house but everybody has to work to make ends meet and any leftover time goes to the kids. You can’t afford to hire anyone to help around the house. No cooks, no housecleaners, no contractors.
Inflation is out of control and your budget can’t keep up. Fast food is gross but you’ve got errands to run and things to take care of and you need food, fast. The toilet is broken and needs fixed. You need a new deck. Most importantly; you’re a real person trying to do the best you can to take care of yourself or your family.
You’re in the right place.
Welcome to Homegrown And Healthy. My name is David Fulton and I am a father, a handyman, part time builder, and someone that likes to talk about the flavors and benefits of good, healthy food. I am also a licensed pharmacist so you may get some well-referenced medical information along the way.
It’s my mission to help you live a better life my sharing our journey with recipes, DIY instructions, and generally helpful information.

Join my family and I around our home as we build things, grow things, and cook things. You’ll find animals, plants, fruits, vegetables, food preservation, and all kinds of building projects.
Your interaction is what makes this site great, so please comment, Tweet, Pin, share, interact!
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